Refund Information

If the Park District cancels a program, customers will receive a full refund. Customer cancellations made at least one week prior to the program start date will receive a full refund. Customer cancellations less than one week prior to the program start date, will need supervisor approval and may be subject to a late withdraw fee. Once a program begins, the activity supervisor will determine if any refund will be granted. Refund information for the before and after school care, camp and preschool programs can be found on our registration information page.

Behavior Code of Conduct

The Round Lake Area Park District expects program participants and guests to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The follow guidelines are in place to make Park District programs safe and enjoyable for all.
  • Show respect to all staff, volunteers and other participants.
  • Follow direction from staff and volunteers.
  • Show respect for equipment, supplies, and facilities.
  • Refrain from using inappropriate, abusive, or foul language.
  • Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants, or staff.

Changes & Errors

The Round Lake Area Park District makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of information on this website. Occasionally, there may be an error that appears regarding days, times, fees, or other information. When this occurs, we reserve the right to make corrections and adjust prices. We appreciate your patience and understanding when these situations arise.

Photo and Video Policy

Photography and video are periodically taken of participants while they are engaged in Park District programming, special events, or enjoying our parks. These photos and/or videos may appear in local newspapers, in Park District publications, on Park District social media site, or other outlets the Park District manages. By signing up for our programs, attending our events, and visiting our parks and facilities, you authorize the Round Lake Area Park District to photograph and/or video record your participation without prior notice, permission, and without any compensation due to you.

Social Media "Use of Policy"

A District social media site is not intended to be a public forum and the comments and discussion that take place on the site should be done in a respectful manner. Posts are not edited by staff; but if they are found to be in violation of this policy, the post can be hidden or removed.

Posts (including profile pictures and screen names) can be removed or hidden if they contain the following:

  • Comments not related to the original topic, including random or unintelligible comments;
  • Profane, obscene, violent, sexual, or pornographic content and/or language;
  • Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national orgin;
  • Defamatory statements or personal attacks;
  • Solicitation of commerce, including advertising of any business or product for sale;
  • Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;
  • Conduct in violation of any federal, state, or local law;
  • Political campaigns or ballot measures;
  • Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems;
  • Invasion of an individual's right to privacy;
  • Copyright or trademark violation;
  • Spam
The Round Lake Area Park District reserves the right to not respond to social media posts, and can choose to remove a follower if that follower posts violate the Round Lake Area Park District media and public comment policies. In addition, the District is not liable for the content of posts and any post left unaltered doe not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies or agreement by the District.